CASE STUDY: Palladium

January 2022

Revere: A disruptive new partnership leveraging private finance at scale to restore our most cherished landscapes – the UK National Parks

Revere is a partnership between Palladium and the UK National Parks, focused on catalysing private finance to restore the UK’s 15 National Parks at the scale and pace needed to tackle the climate emergency and biodiversity crisis.

Revere designs nature restoration projects, raises private capital to fund them, and generates revenue through the sale of ecosystem services. This approach creates new income streams for land managers and communities seeking to improve the quality of landscapes and support biodiversity.

Revere’s vision is that private finance is deployed at an unprecedented scale to restore nature for the long-term and create livelihood opportunities for communities across the diverse working landscapes of the UK’s National Parks. Investments in natural capital transform ecosystems into a healthy state and accelerate progress towards the UK’s net zero and biodiversity targets.

A unique collaboration to harness private finance for nature restoration

Revere combines the National Parks’ ecological expertise with Palladium’s financial acumen to develop innovative solutions that work for nature, investors, and communities. Revere leverages private finance to support the National Parks’ broader Net Zero with Nature strategy, which promotes restoring UK National Parks landscapes as a vital way to fight the climate and biodiversity crises.

A report published by the Green Finance Institute estimates that there is a funding gap of £56 billion to deliver the UK’s nature-related ambitions over the next 10 years. Revere aims to help close that gap by leveraging much needed private finance for nature restoration.

Revere works closely with impact-driven investors to raise the funds to pre-finance nature restoration projects across the UK National Parks. Revere also works with companies looking to purchase high integrity UK generated carbon credits, water quality services, flood risk reduction services, and biodiversity outcomes. Revere’s partnerships are guided by thorough due diligence and ethics assessments.

Revere’s growing portfolio of nature restoration policies is managed by three facilities for maximum impact

Revere’s portfolio comprises a range of projects looking to restore degraded peatlands and expand species-rich, grasslands, woodlands and wetlands. Through these projects, Revere generates revenues for land managers by valuing and selling ecosystem services, including carbon credits, biodiversity outcomes, natural flood management and water quality improvements.

To manage Revere’s rapidly growing portfolio of projects for impact, Revere has launched three facilities: woodland, peatland and innovation. Combining the expertise of Palladium, the National Parks and our partners, each facility has a robust and unique approach to restoring nature across the UK. All three facilities are guided by our core principles of collaborative design, inclusive approach, and nature-focus.