“Investment in infrastructure, research and development is all welcome. Additional Support through the period of the coronavirus is necessary and welcome. Government needs to move swiftly to include procurement reform, ‘the playbook’, into legislation.”
BSA Letter to the Chancellor ahead of Budget 2020
The BSA has made its submission ahead of the March Budget 2020. The submission calls for a series of reforms in public procurement and continued investment in the country’s physical and digital infrastructure, as well as looking at the business environment.
Read the full submission here.
BSA submission to independent HS2 review
The BSA has submitted its response to the Oakervee review in which it emphasises the benefits of continued investment in infrastructure and the importance of rebalancing the UK economy.
The BSA has long made the case for continued efforts to upgrade, extend and modernise the UK’s physical and digital infrastructure. HS2 forms a vital part of this. It represents significant commitment and investment in a modern Britain, not only in improving connectivity but also in enabling a rebalancing of the UK economy and securing the future of the construction and infrastructure sector.
We believe HS2 will bring about significant investment in local economies and help to drive truly inclusive growth, particularly in the North of England and the Midlands.
You can read the full submission here.