BSA members have access to exclusive events, including regular roundtables, seminars, and workshops of direct practical interest.

We hold regular briefings on topical legal and professional issues. We publish daily industry-focused media and political monitoring, and monthly bulletins covering recent activity affecting the industry, from across Westminster, Whitehall, think tanks, and devolved administrations.

Members have opportunities to feed into Government consultations, as well as every Budget and Autumn Statement. Members also benefit from our groundbreaking research – like the report from Oxford Economics into the contribution the outsourcing industry makes to jobs and prosperity in every UK nation, region and Parliamentary constituency.


The BSA welcomes businesses of all sizes. From SMEs to FTSE 100 and 250 corporations, BSA members are those who have an interest in delivering efficient, flexible and cost-effective services and infrastructure across the private and public sectors. BSA members are also businesses with a wider interest in meeting and working with service providers.

The BSA currently has 92 members. The current list of members can be found here.

For any further information on BSA membership, please email

Membership Enquiry


One person icon Membership Enquiry

Full members are companies directly involved in delivering business services on the ground.

SME Membership

Two people icons Membership Enquiry

Small to medium sized enterprises play a key role in the delivery of business services.


For membership enquiries
please contact: